Once I was taking a walk, I met a lady and I asked her for a job, she told me she would find out for
People who dont care about their families |
me. She gave me the answer, she told me I must go to the Youth Cafe, as I came in to a space and an opportunity of a lifetime where I gained knowledge. I started to learned amazing stuff that's mind blowing and it was at a cafe where amazing kids were together and they taught me awesome things within the space. I never knew I had those abilities in me so I kept going. People were making fun of me at home, as I ignored them my strength started to build and more was coming out of me to the person I was meant to be in life. I was stuck in gangsterism but as adapted to the space I was in it, it made me a different person and could imagine what is still in me that must still come out. My mind is running a lot of places that I can imagine. Things started to go vital within my mind.
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